Liquidity Pools

Impermanent Loss: Before adding liquidity, you should be aware of the impermanent loss and how it affects your liquidity provision returns. Check out Impermanent Loss

To provide liquidity, please go to Please note that if you want to farm additional reward tokens on dedicated pools, you can add liquidity directly on

On the pool page, you will see three options:

  • Create Pair: Select two tokens to create a new pool that does not exist yet and add liquidity subsequently.

  • Import Pool: Enter the addresses of the two tokens to add a pool that is not listed on Your Liquidity. They only will be correctly imported if you have liquidity in it.

  • Add liquidity: Add liquidity to an existing pool.

The main case is to select "add liquidity". Select the pair that you want to add/provide liquidity for and enter the amount for each token.

Please find below a full tutorial as a video:

Last updated